NATO concern about the inability of the British army against Russia

NATO concern about the inability of the British army against Russia

Feb 13, 2023 - 09:49
May 22, 2023 - 12:18
NATO concern about the inability of the British army against Russia

NATO commanders fear that the British military will not be able to withstand the confrontation with Russia. By the end of 2023, Britain will have to replace Germany as NATO's rapid reaction force. The "NATO High Readiness Joint Task Force" was established in 2014 as the "point of the spear" and should be the first line of defense against a Russian attack.

According to NATO, this grouping should respond to major crises as soon as possible. The responsibility of this group changes annually.Last year (2022) the responsibility lay with France, and then she ceded it to Germany. According to the Daily Mail website, German media reports, confirmed by sources in the British Ministry of Defense, indicate that NATO has asked Germany to lead this mission for another year because Britain cannot provide the 5,000 troops needed for the mission.

According to the report, a source in the British Ministry of Defense said: "There are serious problems related to the lack of ammunition and other equipment, which is partly due to the lack of allocated budget, but the amount of ammunition and equipment that we send to Ukraine also plays a role in this issue." . These allegations came at the same time as fears that if the British defense budget is not increased next month (in March), this country will not even be able to defend itself. Britain is in its weakest state since World War II, according to top military commanders. The strength of the British armed forces has fallen to its lowest level in four centuries, and the country's Royal Navy is now about 50% smaller than it was in the Falklands War in 1982.