New measures of the United States in the framework of supporting the Zionist regime of Israel

Oct 30, 2023 - 13:55
New measures of the United States in the framework of supporting the Zionist regime of Israel
New measures of the United States in the framework of supporting the Zionist regime of Israel

Since the start of a new round of war between the Zionist regime and the Palestinian resistance groups and the Al-Aqsa Hurricane operation and the Zionists' strong radicalism against that action, the United States, as Israel's strategic partner, has provided a great political, diplomatic and military to that hostile regime. Meanwhile, Washington has taken a new step in this direction. The United States has now increased pressure on European countries with the aim of expanding the scope of sanctions and increasing its edge against the Palestinian Islamic Movement (HAMAS). These pressures go hand in hand with Washington's plans for greater financial repression against HAMAS. Wally Adeyemo, the Deputy Secretary of the Treasury of the United States has announced that, Washington wants the creation of a "coalition" with countries that agree intellectually as it intends to prevent Hamas from evading the sanctions. He has expressed his hope about the cooperation of the United States and other European countries and the judicial departments in order to disrupt Hamas' efforts to evade the sanctions. The new measures target Hamas' secret investment properties and individuals who help the movement evade sanctions. The talks are taking place in a situation where the United States has begun to implement the second round of sanctions against the officials of the Palestinian Islamic Struggle Movement HAMAS and the financial colonels associated with the resistance movement. In 1997, the Washington government declared Hamas a terrorist group. Recently, the European Union and the United Kingdom also included this group in the list of terrorist groups. But America's allies have so far not taken the same steps as Washington in imposing sanctions on Hamas leaders. On the other hand, the US House of Representatives intends to allocate a budget for emergency military aid to the Zionist regime and a budget for aid to Ukraine and US border security. Michael McCall, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the US House of Representatives, said: "We want to do this because Israel's need for this aid is urgent." The bill prepared by Republicans related to this issue this week is expected to be examined in the House of Representatives. If approved, $14.3 billion will go into the Zionist regime's bank accounts and US arsenals to open its doors to provide the regime with weapons and military equipment. In that context, the United States, with the aim of providing an empire and support from all sides to Israel, has not only created an air bridge but has provided all kinds of ammunition and weapons such as armored vehicles to be used in the attacks of the Zionist regime's army against the Strip of Gaza. Despite this, it is currently doing everything possible to impose sanctions on Hamas as much as possible to weaken the Palestinian resistance movement. At the same time, considering the large number of Republicans in the House of Representatives and their attitude about the need to support the Zionist regime as much as possible, they are now trying to send as soon as possible financial aid to the regime after separating financial aid from other emergency aid . Kamala Harris, the Vice President of the United States of America last Sunday while pointing out that Washington has no plans to send a commando force to Israel or Gaza, said that the United States does not tell Israel what to do, but provides the administration with advice, military equipment and its military empire. diplomatically. US airstrikes against Gaza Despite the performance of the administration of the Biden government to Israel and being with them in the position of opposing any ceasefire in the Gaza war, a new reality, namely the male resistance of the Hamas forces against the small ground attacks of the Israeli forces Zionism, you have made Washington change its original position. It seems that the strong blows of the resistance against the invaders have made the United States loosen the rope and abandon its previous positions. Jake Sullivan, US National Security Adviser, said in an interview with the BBC TV channel that we support a temporary ceasefire in Gaza for the release of people held hostage in the area. These statements are made at a time when John Kirby, the spokesman for the US National Security Council, announced that Washington fully supports any operation and attack by the Zionist regime in the Gaza Strip and does not see whether there are borders and red lines that the regime you must not cross it. There is no doubt that, the border fighting along the Gaza Strip and the heavy blows of the rebels to the army of the illegal regime of Israel, have made the invaders to admit the difficulty and complexity of the ground attacks against Gaza and without a doubt to go back to the positions of the Biden government to one way has been affected by those events. It seems that, as time goes on, the more failure of the Zionist army to achieve the intended goals in the Gaza Strip is evident, and Washington will have to change its previous positions regarding the Gaza war.