Russia's UN Ambassador: Western attacks against Yemen are illegal

Russia's ambassador to the United Nations has said that the attacks of the Western coalition led by the United States against Yemen have violated the United Nations Convention and have no legitimacy.

May 15, 2024 - 08:13
May 15, 2024 - 08:28
Russia's UN Ambassador: Western attacks against Yemen are illegal

Vasily Nebenzia, Russia's ambassador and permanent representative to the United Nations, said at a session of the United Nations Security Council in New York that the unjust attacks of the Western coalition led by the United States against Yemen are not helping at all. such as enhancing the safety of shipping in the Red Sea, and further fueling tensions.

The Russian official said that the failed experience of the Western alliance led by the United States clearly shows that the use of force against Yemen will not improve the situation in the Red Sea region. 

In recent months, the United States and the United Kingdom have been attacking the country of Yemen under the pretext of protecting the safety of ships in the Red Sea. 

The Yemeni army has been attacking Israeli ships or those heading to the occupied Palestinian land ports (Israel), which pass through Yemeni waters to deliver goods to Israel as part of the country's campaign to defend the people who are being killed in Gaza.

Yemen has announced that it will continue to attack Israeli ships until the regime stops the genocide in Palestine.