Saraya al-Quds Brigade Shoots Down Israeli Drone

Saraya al-Quds, the military wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement announced the downing of the Zionist regime's drone in Gaza.

Dec 23, 2023 - 04:10
Saraya al-Quds Brigade Shoots Down Israeli Drone
Saraya al-Quds Brigade Shoots Down Israeli Drone

According to the al-Mayadeen network on Friday, the military wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement announced that it successfully shot down a drone belonging to the Zionist regime in the central Gaza Strip. Saraya al-Quds also announced that it rained mortars on the gathering place of the Zionist regime's troops and military equipment north of Gaza city. Previously, Abu Ubaidah, spokesman for the Ezzeddine Al-Qassam Battalion, Hamas' military wing, announced Thursday that his party had succeeded in destroying 720 enemy military vehicles in total or in part. "Our fighters have targeted the occupation forces more than 15 times with sniper weapons in the past week, and the number of enemy armored vehicles destroyed has reached 720 since the ground offensive on Gaza began," said Abu Ubaidah. "The enemy is still repeating its stupidity and historical mistakes, because they do not know the reality of the Palestinian people and do not know their civilization at all. If the enemy wants their prisoners to live, they have no choice but to completely end the war in Gaza," he stressed