Strong opposition of the United States against efforts to end the war in Gaza

The United States, as a strategic partner of the Zionist regime, not only provides all kinds of weapons and financial aid for the attack on the Gaza Strip, but also strongly opposes the cessation of hostilities in the bloody invasion under false and baseless pretexts. .

Oct 24, 2023 - 14:39
Strong opposition of the United States against efforts to end the war in Gaza
Strong opposition of the United States against efforts to end the war in Gaza

John Kirby, Strategic Communications Coordinator at the White House National Security Council, claimed on Tuesday that now is not the right time for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. Indirectly emphasizing the need to continue the killing of people in the region by the Israeli terror regime, Kirby claimed that Tel Aviv has the right to defend itself and target Hamas leaders. He also added that the United States will continue to support Israel and provide all the necessary aid to that regime to continue the war against the people of Gaza. Sad situation in the Gaza Strip The spokesman of the US State Department on Monday also opposed the ceasefire in Gaza and claimed that any ceasefire would give Hamas the opportunity to strengthen its forces to continue attacks against the Zionist terrorist regime. After the Al-Aqsa Hurricane operation by Hamas and other opposition groups in Gaza against the Zionist regime on October 7, which resulted in the deaths of at least 1,500 Zionists and the wounding of nearly 5,000 of them, the Zionist cabinet ordered the start of a major offensive and brutal in the Gaza Strip.

According to the statistics of the Palestinian Ministry of Health, the number of victims of the violent attack by the Zionist regime against the citizens of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank of the Jordan River has reached more than 5 thousand martyrs and approximately 15 thousand injured. Currently, the situation in Gaza is very bad, and the Zionist regime, considering Washington's mutual support for its criminal actions, instead of reducing the war, has significantly increased its bombings in various areas of the Gaza Strip. Hamas announced on Monday in a statement that all hospitals in Gaza are without fuel and added that the aid that has arrived in the area so far is not enough to meet the needs of the victims living in the area. The position of the United States regarding the bloody attacks of Israel against the Gaza Strip and its important role in the crime has not only been faced with severe criticism from Islamic countries, but also other countries such as Russia are burdening Washington with the responsibility of continuing the bad situation they are currently facing the people of Gaza. Sergei Lavrov, the Russian Foreign Minister, warned on Monday that the US move to send weapons to the West Asian region is exacerbating conflicts in the region.

He added that the more the United States sends warships to West Asia (the Middle East), the more likely the conflict in that region will spread. The United States has so far vetoed two resolutions proposed by Russia and Brazil for the cessation of hostilities in Gaza in the United Nations Security Council, thereby preventing its approval. The Security Council could not approve the draft resolution proposed by Brazil on October 18 due to the US veto. The United States had claimed that the draft did not mention Israel's right to self-defense. Russia's draft resolution also did not gain enough support in the Security Council. The violence of the Zionists in the Gaza Strip Three Western countries, permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, namely the United States, the United Kingdom and France, as well as Japan, opposed the resolution. Vasiliy Nebenzia, the Permanent Representative of Russia in the council, said in relation to the issue that the politics of Western countries once again captured the Security Council and made it unable to take joint and effective decisions in reducing the fighting.

In support of Israel, the United States has submitted a draft resolution that, along with condemning Hamas, supports the actions of the Zionist regime under the pretext of self-defense. In that season, the United States has opposed the ceasefire and the delivery of humanitarian aid in Gaza, and condemned the Al-Aqsa Storm operation of Hamas and called it a terrorist attack. Washington also wants to pressure Hizbullah and other opposition groups to stop their attacks against Israel. By presenting the resolution, the Biden government has indeed shown its true intention, which is to kill as many Palestinians as possible, by opposing the ceasefire and supporting all of Israel's anti-human and criminal actions under the pretext of self-defense.