Supreme Leader of the Revolution: The most prominent issue in the world today is the moral and political failure of the West

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution considered the moral and political failure of the West to be the most prominent issue in the world today.

Jul 7, 2024 - 14:26
Supreme Leader of the Revolution: The most prominent issue in the world today is the moral and political failure of the West

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution considered the moral and political failure of the West to be the most prominent issue in the world today.

In a message to the 58th Meeting of the Union of Islamic Student Associations in Europe, Ayatollah Khamenei, referring to the developments in Gaza and the tragedy of the Zionist genocide in this region, emphasized: "The most prominent issue in the world today is moral failure, political and social of the West, of Western politicians and of Western civilization."

Following this, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution emphasized: "Among the greatest catastrophes are the inability of liberal democracy of its pretenders to establish freedom of expression and their deadly neglect of the issue of economic and social justice."

Further, he said: "The dim but hopeful light of popular and especially student protests in America and Europe is one of the most important current issues."

Ayatollah Khamenei also pointed out the current complicated issues of the world and emphasized the role and influence of these students in major issues relying on motivation, faith and self-confidence.