The Hyprocity of Western Powers on Peace and Israeli Aggression

The weight of their own hypocrisy continues to cause the claims of the European countries about desiring peace in the Middle East to fall apart. Although they often express support for peace, they often support Israel's illegal activities in Palestine and Lebanon, therefore compromising the values they ostensibly advocate. The most recent events in response to Israeli attack by Iran highlight this dishonesty.

Oct 5, 2024 - 11:32
The Hyprocity of Western Powers on Peace and Israeli Aggression

The weight of their own hypocrisy continues to cause the claims of the European countries about desiring peace in the Middle East to fall apart. Although they often express support for peace, they often support Israel's illegal activities in Palestine and Lebanon, therefore compromising the values they ostensibly advocate. The most recent events in response to Israeli attack by Iran highlight this dishonesty.

Particularly in light of the Islamic Resistance forces like Hezbollah and Hamas, Iran's reaction to Israeli activities is presented as a reasonable military response to an illegitimate colonial power. Western powers, under leaders like German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, reject Iran's right to self-defence even as they fervently support Israel. Along with other European leaders, Scholz swiftly agreed to stop attacking Israel, therefore supporting the Zionist state in an effort at a ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah. But considering their long-standing support of Israeli oppression, the European posture comes out as blatantly hypocritical.

Historic Part Played by European Powers in Israeli Aggression
This shielding of Israel strategy is not novel. Since the founding of the Israeli state in 1948—widely regarded as the uprooting of Palestinian people from their native country—the European nations have given relentless support. Under the pretext of "self-defence," Israel has been able to conduct a litany of war crimes and international law violations because to this assistance.

The most recent instance of this was Israel's merciless assault of Gaza following the "Al-Aqsa Flood" operation. Rather than denouncing Israel's excessive and indiscriminate use of force, European leaders hurried to Tel Aviv to declare their unshakeable support. Among the first to do so, German Chancellor Scholz insisted that Hamas free Israeli hostages without even noting the number of Palestinians dead by Israel's strikes. This selective attention for human rights highlights even more the dishonest character of Europe's response to the crisis.

Two Different Views of Human Rights
Looking at how the European governments define the genuine resistance groups of Palestine and Lebanon, their discriminating perspective of human rights is very striking. Although the European Union names organisations like Hamas and Hezbollah as terrorists, they have no problem with Israel's decades-long occupation and methodical murdering of Palestinians. Silence follows Palestinian mothers and children dying beneath Israeli bombs. But European officials show indignation when a lone Israeli settler dies in colonial Palestine.

European leaders like as Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, denounced Iran's missile strikes aimed at Israeli military installations in response to its aggressiveness, which underlie the internationally acknowledged right of self-defence. She called Iran's actions destabilising, while neglecting the continuous destabilisation Israel's military operations in Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria bring about. The same officials claiming to uphold human rights displayed no such compassion when Israeli strikes aimed for Syrian advisers killed several, or when the Iranian consulate in Damascus was struck.

Igniting Conflict, Not Harmony
Europe's ongoing support of Israeli aggression while denouncing any kind of opposition fuels unrest in the area. European officials are deliberately supporting Israel at every opportunity, therefore sustaining the violence instead of acting as honest mediators for peace. This paradoxical strategy promotes the cycle of violence in West Asia in addition to eroding the credibility of Western countries on the international scene.

European countries have become involved in the continuous carnage by backing Israel's occupation and military operations while denouncing the reasonable defence efforts of its adversary. At best, the assertion that Europe is promoting peace is a hollow promise; at worst, it is a falsehood. Western countries—especially Germany, France, and the UK—are not neutral players; they actively support the persecution of Palestinians and the destabilisation of Syria and Lebanon.