The influence of the Zionist lobby in American elections

Aug 12, 2024 - 12:21
The influence of the Zionist lobby in American elections

"AIPAC had to spend $8.5 million to defeat Cori Bush. Billionaires buying elections is not what this country is supposed to be about. We need to end Super Action Committees-PACs and move towards public financing of elections," US Senator Bernie Sanders X wrote on social media.

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is a lobbying group that advocates pro-Israel policies to the legislative and executive branches of the United States. Cori Bush, a Missouri representative, once described Israel as an "apartheid state."
One of the important issues in American election races is the role of lobbies. In American elections, two factors play an effective role in election results at every level, from local state elections to federal elections. The first factor is capital, and the second is lobbies. 
Given that election races require capital, any candidate who attracts more capital has a better chance of winning. However, the second factor has a more important role than capital, and that is the role of lobbies. The higher the level of the election, the greater the role of capital and lobbies in the election results. That is why we see candidates trying to collect financial support before every presidential election.
 One of the most influential lobbies in America is AIPAC, the most influential lobby of the Zionists in the American government structure. For this reason, on the eve of the election, presidential candidates are trying to declare their loyalty to the fake Israeli government with advertising campaigns and participation in AIPAC meetings. Zionist Jews, members of AIPAC, have influence in all structures and institutions of the United States. They are trying to control the majority of Congress as well as the White House. For this reason, the majority of the American Congress, whether Democrat or Republican, always supports the genocidal regime of Israel. Therefore, thanks to such a structure, candidates who have a different perspective from the American administrative structure and who are opponents and critics of the Zionist regime have limited opportunities to enter Congress. 
The limited number of representatives of the American Congress, especially since October 7 of last year, have used every opportunity to oppose the crimes of the Zionist regime and the massacre of Palestinians and to stop military and financial aid to this regime. Mrs. Cori Bush is one of these congress members. This black representative of the House of Representatives believes that: "The struggle for black life and the struggle for Palestinian freedom are interconnected. We are against our money being spent on military police, occupation, oppression and violence." A few 
days ago, before the speech of the butcher of Gaza, Benjamin Netanyahu, in the US Congress, US Congresswoman Cori Bush protested the speech program of the Prime Minister of the Israeli regime and announced that Congress should ban arms exports to this regime instead of giving a platform to a war criminal. Senator Bernie Sanders also pointed out that AIPAC has already spent eight and a half million dollars to prevent Cori Bush from winning. 
  Democratic vice president and candidate Kamla Harris was not present at the speech of the occupying regime's prime minister Netanyahu in Congress and demanded an end to the attack on Gaza during her meeting with Netanyahu. However, during her election campaign, Harris opposed stopping arms aid to Israel. Harris refused to discuss the issue of an arms embargo on Israel during a meeting with pro-Palestinian activists who wanted to reconsider supporting Israel in the Gaza war. It seems that Harris and similar American officials are approving all kinds of financial and military aid to the Zionist regime out of fear of losing the elections. In fact, just a few days ago, they approved $3.5 billion in financial support to the pirate regime./