The Silent Victims of Washington's Immigration Policy

Immigrants, especially immigrant children, who often enter the US with great difficulty from Latin American countries, have become the biggest victims of Washington's immigration policy.

Jul 23, 2024 - 14:34
The Silent Victims of Washington's Immigration Policy

Immigrants, especially immigrant children, who often enter the US with great difficulty from Latin American countries, have become the biggest victims of Washington's immigration policy.

Migrant children not only face physical abuse by American police, separation from their parents, and living in overcrowded and substandard camps, but published reports indicate that they are also sexually abused. According to AP, the US Department of Justice recently filed a lawsuit against the largest provider of temporary housing for immigrants in this country for widespread sexual abuse of vulnerable and unaccompanied children.

"Sexual abuse of children in shelters where children should be safe and secure is offensive, inhumane and illegal," Assistant US Attorney Kristen Clarke said in a statement.

The lawsuit accuses Southwest Key employees of grossly abusing the children and sexually abusing them. Those children were sent to that center due to lack of guardians and relatives in the southwestern border of the USA. The company is the largest provider of shelters for unaccompanied immigrant children, and operates 29 shelters in Texas and California.

The history of abuse of immigrant children in care centers in America

Although abuse of immigrant children in the United States has always occurred in various refugee child care centers, these incidents have become more serious in recent years against immigrants entering the United States from Latin American countries. So many children died because of violence.

In this context, the news site Axios recently announced the filing of a complaint by advocates for immigrant children in US Federal Court and wrote: "Children in Texas Immigration Detention Centers Are Being Held in Deplorable Conditions."

Child sexual abuse is one of the most common forms of abuse in US immigration detention centers

In the new lawsuits of the US Department of Justice, it is stated: "Children held in shelters have been subjected to violence by officials, including requests for nude photos, inappropriate relationships and sexual abuse."

Earlier there were also reports of sexual violence against children. The lawsuit filed in 2020 represents the sexual harassment of a 15-year-old boy by shelter employees. Another report from 2022 found that another employee at a shelter in El Paso, Texas, repeatedly sexually abused three girls, ages 5, 8, and 11. The lawsuit states that the 8-year-old girl told the deputies that the employee threatened to kill her entire family if she revealed the sexual violence against her.

Crimes against children continue in America

Children have always been a vulnerable group and victims of US domestic and foreign policies. Even today, the discovery of this crime in the United States shows that violence against immigrant children continues, while in the United States slogans are always raised about the protection of their rights.