The President of Tunisia sacked the Prime Minister and appointed a new one

President Kais Saied of Tunisia has appointed the Minister of Social Affairs, Kamel Maddouri as the new Prime Minister, to replace Ahmed Hachani, the Prime Minister dismissed by the president.

Aug 8, 2024 - 12:12
The President of Tunisia sacked the Prime Minister and appointed a new one

The Tunisian President's Office did not provide further details about the decision. The action has been taken two months before the presidential election scheduled for October 6. Kais Saied will run for the second term of the presidency of five years.

The new Prime Minister of Tunisia, Kamel Maddouri was born in 1974. He was appointed minister of social affairs on May 25, 2024, during the change of government. Before that, he was the chairman of the National Health Insurance Fund of Tunisia.

Before appointing Maddouri, the President of Tunisia had fired the Prime Minister Ahmed Hachani last Wednesday and later the information of the White House said that Saied has appointed Maddouri to take the place of Hachani without giving further explanation about the reasons for Hachani's dismissal.

Hachani was appointed Prime Minister of Tunisia in August last year.

President Kais Saied of Tunisia


The dismissal occurred after there were many complaints from citizens of dissatisfaction with his work, especially in issues such as the lack of water and electricity throughout Tunisia.

The Hachani government claimed that these issues stemmed from the ongoing drought in Tunisia and led to measures being taken to provide water for allocation. 

The Ministry of Agriculture of Tunisia says that the water level in the reservoirs is very low at 25 percent. But President Saied claims that the shortage of water is a conspiracy by his opponents at this time of approaching the presidential election, insisting that the reservoirs have enough water .

Saied announced his intention to run again for the presidency in October this year. He faces strong opposition from opponents, human rights organizations and other candidates who accuse him of suppressing his opponents in order to win the next election.