The US would self-destruct in front of the world
The US would self-destruct in front of the world

The United States could self-destruct in front of the world. This could be a good thing and no one will be blamed for it except Joe Biden and the presidents and administrations that preceded him after Ronald Reagan, each with their own miserable policies after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991.
US-orchestrated “regime changes” have nothing to do with liberalism or democracy, but are government installations in foreign countries doing Washington's bidding. Ukraine is currently the most striking and dangerous example of this. In Pakistan, for example, the US fomented the marginalization of former popular leader Imran Khan because he refused to support US policies towards Ukraine. There are myriad other examples of this type of action, some successful and some completely failing as, for example, in Venezuela or Syria and even now in Russia via the proxy war in Ukraine.
Underlying this departure from true liberalism and honest democracy has been such arrogance and triumphalism in Washington that true democracy barely exists in the United States. What remains is not "liberal" but a kind of radical totalitarianism. Retired Princeton University professor and political theorist Sheldon Wolin identified it when he called it non-classical but “inverted totalitarianism” in which corporations and elitist stooges have corrupted true democracy by commodifying and exploiting every natural resource and every living thing. This has led the US in the direction of social collapse as citizens are manipulated into giving up the freedoms they had and their real, effective participation in government even though most Americans are often not even aware of what has been lost.
The appalling ignorance of US leaders leading to eventual self-destruction was well revealed last week by General Mark Milley, the Chief of the US Armed Forces' Joint Chiefs of Staff, when he said that the US military budget must be doubled. whether the outcome of the proxy war against Russia via Ukraine calls into question the “rules-based world order” which in itself is a laughable joke and has in fact led to widespread “disorder”. The "defense" budget in the United States is already nearly a trillion dollars, more than what the next nine or 10 countries combined spend on defense. This alone is crippling the United States and leading to total bankruptcy, social dismay and disintegration.
The only official candidate for the presidency in 2024, who is telling some truths that offend the establishment and could raise a spark of hope for the salvation of the United States, however difficult that may be, is Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the nephew of JFK who was assassinated and who also lost his father to assassination (both assassinations with alleged CIA assistance) during the Vietnam War debacle.
Kennedy announced his candidacy in Boston and the main US media have already announced the failure. This is because presidential elections are rigged and the primary media are arm in arm with the elitists and other powers in the United States. Among many other issues, Kennedy spoke out against the dominance of the military industry in regards to US policy. Kennedy plans to run for president in 2024 as a Democrat, but has also enlisted the support of Republicans and the disaffected mass of independent voters who don't affiliate or identify with either dominant political party.