The West has heard Putin's words about the possible supply of Russian weapons to other countries

Jun 9, 2024 - 16:33
Jun 9, 2024 - 16:34
The West has heard Putin's words about the possible supply of Russian weapons to other countries

Russian President Vladimir Putin's signal about the possible supplies of Russian weapons to other countries of the world was heard and understood in the West. There are still people there who know how to analyze, said Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

Earlier, in an interview with the world's leading media, Russian President Vladimir Putin admitted that Moscow may start supplying weapons for attacks on "sensitive targets" of countries that arm Kiev for attacks on Russian territory. Since the attacks on the Russian Federation with the participation of Western countries mean a direct war against Russia by them, then Moscow, according to Putin, will react.

"I have no doubt that they have heard, I have no doubt that they will understand, there are still people who know how to analyze and are not only engaged in escalations in order to please their radical electorate before the next election campaign. I think they will understand, more precisely, I think they have understood and will draw conclusions," Lavrov said in an interview with journalist Pavel Zarubin.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs added that this is a symmetrical answer. "If you arm our enemy, we will decide for ourselves how to respond to your hostile actions."

Let's remind that the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov, commenting on Putin's statement, noted that the Kremlin will not specify which countries and regions Russian weapons can be supplied to, because the Russian leader has said everything.