Uganda announces the arrest of the commander of the ADF group

The Ugandan army has announced that it has arrested the commander of the ADF rebel group affiliated with the Islamic State group, who is an expert in making bombs used by the group to carry out deadly attacks.

May 21, 2024 - 14:18
Uganda announces the arrest of the commander of the ADF group

 The Ugandan army has announced that it has arrested the commander of the ADF rebel group affiliated with the Islamic State group, who is an expert in making bombs used by the group to carry out deadly attacks. The commander Anywari Al-Iraq, who is a citizen of Uganda, was arrested in the desert areas in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where the ADF group operates. In the search operation for the commander, nine people, including children, were rescued from the area located in Ituri Eastern region of the DRC, other bomb-making products were also found there. ADF rebels have been operating in the forests of the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo for more than two decades now, and have been carrying out attacks inside that country and sometimes inside Ugandan territory. ADF rebels The Ugandan UPDF army in collaboration with the DR Congo army has been fighting armed groups for almost two years now. The terrorist group DAESH has announced the ADF group as its branch in the Central African region. The ADF is one of dozens of armed groups spreading violence in eastern Congo, many of which are a legacy of regional wars fought after the fall of the African nation's long-time dictator, Mobutu Sese Seko in the 1990s.