UN: We are committed to providing Somali forces with technical and security training

The United Nations Support Office in Somalia (UNSOS), which has been fully assisting Somalia in strengthening the capacity of its security forces, has announced that it is fully committed to providing technical training to the internal security forces of the Horn of Africa country during this period of transition.

Feb 4, 2024 - 12:34
UN: We are committed to providing Somali forces with technical and security training
UN: We are committed to providing Somali forces with technical and security training

 The UNSOS office that provides logistical support to the African Union Transitional Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) has said in a joint statement issued on Saturday in the capital of Somalia, Mogadishu, that the training will be related to the operation and maintenance of equipment for safety. The Managing Officer of UNSOS, Qurat-Ul-Ain Sadozai said that, "We UNSOS, our commitment to support the ATMIS force and the government of Somalia remains firm." Both ATMIS and UNSOS announced the completion of the second phase of the exercise to remove foreign forces from the country, which involved reducing the number of 3,000 foreign soldiers in the country. ATMIS handed over seven military bases to the Somali government and closed two others. ATMIS forces in Somalia Somalia's National Security Adviser Hussein Sheikh-Ali has commended the African Union (AU), the United Nations and international partners for their commitment to peace and security in Somalia. Sam Okiding, ATMIS Force Commander praised the unique joint work of the resolution committee - ATMIS, the Somali government and UNSOS - for completing the success of the First and Second Phases of the exercise to withdraw foreign troops from the country. He said: "Our joint efforts have been great in reducing the total of 5,000 soldiers in both phases and we will soon start preparations for the next third phase to reduce the number of our 4,000 soldiers in June.