Why do Democrats and Republicans need the lie about "Iran's interference in the US elections"?

Aug 26, 2024 - 04:30
Why do Democrats and Republicans need the lie about "Iran's interference in the US elections"?

Despite the claims of American officials, the Islamic Republic of Iran has repeatedly stated that Tehran has no purpose or motive to interfere in the US presidential elections, because the issue of the US elections is an internal issue of that country.

In a statement against Iran, the spokesperson of Trump's pre-election campaign claimed that hackers connected to Iran tried to penetrate the social network of a high-ranking official in the US presidential campaign in June.   "Steven Chung made such a statement without presenting any evidence when it was announced on August 13 that the US Federal Bureau of Investigation is investigating an alleged cyber-attack by Iran on the pre-election headquarters of Trump, the presidential candidate nominated by the Republican Party."

In this regard, the representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran at the United Nations denied the claims of Tehran's role in conducting cyber attacks against former US President Donald Trump's campaign headquarters and emphasized that the Iranian government has no purpose or motive to interfere in the US presidential elections.

Prior to allegations of cyber attacks against the Trump campaign and the theft of internal emails, US intelligence officials accused the Islamic Republic of Iran of involvement in the assassination attempt on former US President Donald Trump, disrupting the election and adversely affecting the Republican candidate's campaign.

Trump's primitive tactics to win the election

American affairs expert Amir Ali Abolfath, in an interview with Ghodes newspaper, referring to the claims of Donald Trump's election headquarters that Iran hacked his social network and gained access to the documents, said: "Given the approaching linle of the US presidential elections and the media in that country- atmosphere, with his pre-election tactics, Trump is trying to lead the atmosphere in the US society in the direction where, in addition to building his image at the global level, he will question the capabilities of the security structures of the Biden government, especially the American Federal Police (FBI) and the Democratic leadership of the United States. in supervisory cases.

Abolfath clarified. "This is the same method that Trump used in the 2016 US presidential election regarding Russian interference; In fact, in order to gather more votes, he is trying to use the framework of internationally known countries, including the Islamic Republic of Iran, China and Russia. The latter's claim to have access to the documents of Trump's pre-election headquarters is a primitive tactic that should not be taken seriously.

The expert added. - At the same time when Chung, the spokesperson of Trump's pre-election headquarters, made this baseless statement, the representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran stated that such  accusations are not substantiated at all and lack any basis .  Tehran has no motive to interfere in the US presidential elections and take steps against any candidate. In addition, the Iranian delegation demanded from the US federal police to provide relevant evidence for its accusations, so that Tehran would respond accordingly. This is despite the fact that until this moment, no proof of Iran's involvement in the hacking attacks against Trump's campaign headquarters has been presented.

This expert on American affairs emphasized: "In the world, the Islamic Republic of Iran has an undeniable power in cyberspace, and according to the statement of US security organizations, Iran is considered one of the cyber powers in the international arena." This is the case when a country like Iran, which has high capabilities in the field of attack and defense in the cyber sphere, does not need to interfere in the US elections due to its ability in this field.

Abolfath said: The United States has directly and indirectly intervened in more than 80 independent countries of the world in coups, overthrowing governments, velvet revolutions and other fields. Today, the United States itself is the biggest violator and culprit in the field of various elections in the world, and making accusations against other independent countries, such as the Islamic Republic of Iran, is baseless and unacceptable.

Trump's fear of Iran's influence in the region

Mohammad Lasani, an expert on international affairs and media, said in an interview with Ghodes newspaper that the role of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the West Asian region, especially in supporting the people of Gaza, Palestinian ideas and the Resistance movements, has caused each of the Democratic and Republican candidates to win the election. take advantage of this question. Donald Trump is also looking for a trump card in the name of Iran in order to gather more votes in the American public.

He clarified. "In the last 46 years, the Islamic Republic of Iran, with its important role and extra-regional power, has always prevented the United States and its European allies from creating a new American order and a new Middle East. Highlighting Iran's role in global developments and portraying the US as a destructive international actor can be beneficial to the public image of the US government and national figures, including Trump and Kamla Harris.

Lasani clarified. - No documents have yet been presented about the claim by American officials that Iran is involved in cyber attacks, but Trump intends to present himself as a hero among his supporters and people in the United States with this accusation.