Will Netanyahu start a large-scale war with Lebanon? How will the resistance react?

Israel claimed that it had pushed back Hezbollah, but Hezbollah, through two recent operations, has proven to the Zionist settlers that their officials are lying and that Hezbollah elements are within meters of the heads of Israeli soldiers.

Jun 10, 2024 - 14:37
Will Netanyahu start a large-scale war with Lebanon? How will the resistance react?

Israel claimed that it had pushed back Hezbollah, but Hezbollah, through two recent operations, has proven to the Zionist settlers that their officials are lying and that Hezbollah elements are within meters of the heads of Israeli soldiers. According to AP, most experts believe that the possibility of war depends on Netanyahu, who is in crisis and under great pressure on all fronts. Yemen has launched the fourth phase of its attacks and is targeting Israeli interests in the Mediterranean. They continue to destroy American and British warships, and the naval coalition has failed to stop the Yemenis. The Yemeni front has completely closed the port of Eilat and is now targeting the Mediterranean Sea.

Israeli losses on the Gaza front are also very high, and many other Israeli soldiers were captured by the Palestinian resistance. There is a lot of tension on the Lebanese front, and on the internal front of the Israeli regime, large-scale demonstrations are taking place on the streets of Tel Aviv demanding the resignation of the leaders of this regime and early elections. The International Court and its decisions, especially regarding the arrest of the heads of the Israeli regime, have also become another lever of pressure on Netanyahu. In addition to this, ending the Gaza war will lead to Netanyahu's imprisonment and cessation of political activities, and it is possible that Netanyahu will take this action, that is, attack Lebanon, in order to get ahead in the current difficult conditions in his agenda.
Of course, Israel claimed that it had pushed back Hezbollah, but Hezbollah, through two recent operations, has proven to the Zionist settlers that their officials are lying and that Hezbollah elements are within meters of the heads of Israeli soldiers.
Moreover, when we carefully study the films of the resistance and learn about the nature of the weapons used by the resistance elements, we see that these are classic and old weapons such as B7 size mortars, Picasier machine guns, Kalashnikovs, and artillery. This message shows that even with these weapons, the resistance can attack Israeli centers, destroy Zionist soldiers and even capture them. Lebanese generals say they have sent a message to Israel that if it intends to attack Lebanon, the resistance is prepared to take them back to pre-2000 times and launch massive attacks on their command and military centers.
The Lebanese resistance recently shot down the Israeli regime's second Hermes 900 drone. With this action, Hezbollah sent a message to Israel that it could attack Hermes aircraft flying at an altitude of 30,000 feet, and thus it could also attack Israeli F-16, F-15 and F-35 fighter jets with its anti-aircraft systems. 
The messages sent by the Lebanese resistance are signals of deterrence to Israel, and keep this in mind, if you want to launch a military operation in Lebanon, we have some surprises that will make you regret it.
Judging by the information published in a conversation with IA Mehr, Brigadier General and former head of the Lebanese military court Mounir Shehadeh indicated that Israel has used more than 85 of its military capabilities not in qualitative but in quantitative terms, and now, in addition to the use of atomic bombs and chemical weapons, there is nothing left for him because he used all his big weapons in Gaza and Lebanon. On the other hand, Lebanese Hezbollah has used a small part of its capabilities, that is, less than 25% of its potential, and it has many surprises.
Lebanon has been threatened more than 80 times by the Israeli regime's Minister of War and other Israeli officials, but the Zionists know the consequences of any hostile action against Lebanon. Lebanese leaders, including Mohammad Ra'ad, head of the loyalty faction, said that if the Zionist regime was stupid and launched military operations in southern Lebanon, the resistance would do so to prevent the Zionists from seeing the light of the sun. Naturally, this is a poetic reaction, and it means that the number of missiles that will be fired at Israel in this situation will be very large, and these missiles, which are ballistic missiles, will attack many strategic targets with lightning speed.