Withdrawal of US troops from Niger

US publication Politico reported this morning (Saturday) that the US Department of Defense (Pentagon) has ordered the withdrawal of all (1,000) US military forces from Niger.

May 11, 2024 - 14:21
Withdrawal of US troops from Niger

US publication Politico reported this morning (Saturday) that the US Department of Defense (Pentagon) has ordered the withdrawal of all (1,000) US military forces from Niger.

In this report, Politico reports that the US Department of Defense issued such an order last week.
A U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Politico last week that hopes that some troops would remain in Niger had been dashed and the Pentagon had ordered the withdrawal of all 1,000 U.S. troops from Niger.
According to an American official, the timing of the withdrawal of American troops from Niger may be changed and these forces will be transferred to other bases in the region.
Niger plays a central role in US military operations in the "coastal" region of Africa and hosts a large US air base.
In April, the United States announced it would begin planning for an “orderly and responsible withdrawal” of troops from Niger, but U.S. officials continued to negotiate with Niger about keeping some U.S. troops in the African country.
J. Peter Pham, former US special envoy for African Sahel affairs, said lack of access to air bases in Niger would be a major setback for the US and its allies.