200 Kenyan police to be sent to Haiti next Thursday

200 Kenyan police will be sent to Haiti to protect security next Thursday. It is after a long tug-of-war in court, where in January this year the Supreme Court in Kenya announced that the government's plan to send the police to Haiti to lead the United Nations peacekeeping force is against the constitution.

May 18, 2024 - 14:14
200 Kenyan police to be sent to Haiti next Thursday

200 Kenyan police will be sent to Haiti to protect security next Thursday. It is after a long tug-of-war in court, where in January this year the Supreme Court in Kenya announced that the government's plan to send the police to Haiti to lead the United Nations peacekeeping force is against the constitution.

Finally, it has now been decided that the first contingent of 200 Kenyan police officers is scheduled to travel to Haiti next Thursday.

The force is part of 1,000 officers authorized by the United Nations to maintain peace in the nation that has not seen stability for a long time.

Gang violence plagued Haiti years ago, but has intensified since the assassination of President Jovenel Moise in 2021. The United Nations estimates the conflict killed nearly 5,000 people last year and displaced 300,000 others, amid shortages of food and services. of treatment.

Some Haitians living abroad have accused Kenya of agreeing to send police to their country to maintain peace and fight the criminal gangs that occupied the country.

The citizens of Haiti have accused President William Ruto of Kenya of being a 'puppet' of the United States and asked Washington to leave Haiti because it is accused of arming the gangs.

At the end of last year, the opposition leader in Kenya, Raila Odinga, criticized the country's decision to lead a United Nations peacekeeping force in Haiti to deal with violence by criminal gangs, calling the move inappropriate.

"Why Kenya?", Odinga asked sarcastically, and said: "The United States itself withdrew its forces from Haiti and the country's problem is political; so they don't need more guns to calm things down."

"I don't think it's the right move. The question we should ask is why Kenya? What distinguishes Kenya from the 54 African countries?", questioned Raila Odinga and said that the plan to send police to Haiti is not Kenya's priority.