A skirmish took place between Kyrgyz border guards and residents of Tajikistan

A skirmish took place on the Kyrgyz-Tajik border between residents of Tajikistan and Kyrgyz border guards.

May 8, 2024 - 05:31
A skirmish took place between Kyrgyz border guards and residents of Tajikistan

A skirmish took place on the Kyrgyz-Tajik border between residents of Tajikistan and Kyrgyz border guards.

This was reported by the border service of the State Committee for National Security of Kyrgyzstan.

"On May 7, 2024, an incident involving the use of firearms took place on the Kyrgyz-Tajik section of the state border. Near the Ak-Bosogo village of Leylek district of Batken region (Kyrgyzstan), the Kyrgyz border guard noticed Tajik citizens, shepherds, who were grazing their cattle on the territory of Kyrgyzstan, at a distance of 250-300 m from the state border line.

It is noted that the citizens of Tajikistan ignored the request of the border guards to leave the territory of Kyrgyzstan, moreover, they started throwing stones in the direction of the military.

"One of the shepherds fired 2-3 shots at the Kyrgyz border guard. In order to prevent the escalation of the situation, the border guards of the Kyrgyz Republic fired warning shots into the air, after which the herdsmen fled to the territory of Tajikistan," the report said.

According to preliminary information, one citizen of Tajikistan was injured in the leg during the incident.

"However, under what circumstances, when and where was the injury received, it is unknown, as the law enforcement officers of Tajikistan have provided only a photo," the message states.

It is reported that a meeting of border representatives of the parties will take place in the near future.

"Currently, the situation in the Kyrgyz-Tajik region is considered stable," the border guard service noted.