Armenian Adviser Assures Diplomatic Return of Territories Controlled by Azerbaijan

In a recent development highlighting Armenia's diplomatic efforts, Aram Khachatryan, former governor of Lori and newly appointed adviser to Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, reaffirmed Armenia's commitment to reclaiming territories currently under Azerbaijani control through diplomatic means.

Jun 27, 2024 - 12:44
Armenian Adviser Assures Diplomatic Return of Territories Controlled by Azerbaijan

Addressing reporters in Yerevan, Khachatryan clarified that his resignation as governor of Lori was unrelated to recent operational changes within the Armenian government. He expressed gratitude for his new role as adviser to Prime Minister Pashinyan, emphasizing his readiness to contribute effectively"When discussing with the Prime Minister the specific areas where I will advise, I will operate within those designated fields," Khachatryan stated, underscoring his background in military affairs and governance.

Responding to queries regarding Armenia's stance on the territories currently under Azerbaijani control, Khachatryan reiterated the government's position. "The Prime Minister has consistently stated that the territories now under Azerbaijan's control must be returned. We are committed to achieving this diplomatically," he affirmed.

Armenia, with a total area of 29,743 square kilometers, faces significant challenges following the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, which resulted in Azerbaijan gaining control over several regions previously held by Armenia-backed forces. The signing of a peace agreement has become a focal point for Armenia's foreign policy, aimed at securing a stable resolution to the ongoing territorial disputes.

Khachatryan expressed optimism regarding the prospects of reaching a peace agreement with Azerbaijan. "Signing a peace treaty is our current priority, and we must remain steadfast in pursuing this objective," he asserted, noting that diplomatic channels are essential in fostering constructive dialogue between the two nations.

As Armenia navigates its diplomatic strategy, the appointment of Khachatryan underscores the government's proactive approach in addressing geopolitical challenges and advancing national interests through strategic advisement.