Attack on regional government in Mogadishu

In the Somali capital Mogadishu, the seat of the regional government has become the target of an attack. Eleven people died, including all six attackers. The Islamist terrorist militia Al-Shabaab claimed responsibility for the crime. Somali security forces ended a terrorist attack on a government building in the capital Mogadishu after almost six hours. All six attackers from the Islamist terrorist militia Al-Shabaab were killed, the information ministry said. Two security forces and three civilians were also killed. Four other people were injured. A suicide bomber blew up a car loaded with explosives at a gate of the regional government headquarters around noon local time. Armed fighters then stormed the building complex, which houses the office of the mayor and governor of the surrounding region of Benadir, police officer Mohamed Dahir told the dpa news agency. The mayor and numerous other officials were taken to safety while the terrorists besieged the building for hours, Dahir said.