Biden's role in covering up his son's illegal actions

Biden's role in covering up his son's illegal actions

Aug 2, 2023 - 10:08
Biden's role in covering up his son's illegal actions
Biden's role in covering up his son's illegal actions

  60% of likely US voters believe the president was involved in illegally hiding his involvement in his son Hunter's foreign business dealings, Rasmussen Reports, a polling service, said in a July 31 poll. This figure (60%) consists of those who consider such a cover-up very likely, such 45%, and those who consider such a cover-up likely (15% of all respondents). 34% of those polled think it's unlikely that Biden is illegally hiding his role in his son's overseas business, including 18% who think it's completely unbelievable.

61% of voters believe that this is a serious scandal, including 44% believe that this is a very serious scandal; 29% do not consider Biden's involvement in Hunter's foreign business a serious scandal, including 13% believe that this is not serious at all. The poll of 1,027 likely US voters was conducted July 26–27 and 30, 2023 by Rasmussen Reports. The sampling error is ±3 percentage points with a 95% confidence level. Fieldwork for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research.