China's radiation on the Pentagon's annual report

China's Ministry of Defense has condemned the annual report of the US Department of Defense (Pentagon) about the country.

Oct 28, 2023 - 14:55
China's radiation on the Pentagon's annual report
China's radiation on the Pentagon's annual report

The United States Department of Defense (Pentagon) has emphasized in the report that China in the next ten years will strengthen itself militarily by modernizing its nuclear weapons. The Pentagon has claimed that China has more than 500 nuclear warheads and may have reached more than a thousand warheads by 2030. This is in a situation where Beijing opposes these claims and believes that the United States is trying to justify its military policies in East Asia by spreading propaganda and dirty politics against it. Lee T-Wan, an expert in political affairs, says that the United States is pursuing two goals by making baseless and false accusations against its enemies and opponents. The first one is trying to justify the increase in its military budget which happens every year and the second one is to justify its sanctions against China by trying to show it as its first enemy. In his letter to the New York-based National Committee on US-China Relations, Chinese President Xi Jinping said that Beijing is ready to have a partnership with the United States that will satisfy all parties. Pentagon He stressed that China and the United States, being the two largest countries in the world, can play an important role in strengthening world peace and the future of humanity by choosing the right path and having a good interaction between the two governments.

This is in a situation where the United States has always opposed and despised China's request for bilateral cooperation for the benefit of two nations. Beijing emphasizes that it is ready to cooperate with Washington to promote cooperation for mutual benefit, resolve differences, face international challenges and help each other strengthen on the basis of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and improve bilateral cooperation. Politics that not only the United States does not accept, but also tries to force China to follow Washington's policies and plans. China believes that Washington's policies are outdated in the current international environment and that the country should present to the world new plans and policies that will improve proper international cooperation. an expert in international affairs, says about this: The United States is worried about losing its international reputation to China and other regional and international powers. It is for that reason that it has based all its politics on weakening China, and it has no intention of strengthening bilateral cooperation with Beijing. Some sections of the United States even believe that cooperating with China will lead to further strengthening of its international power.

In any case, the recent intervention of the United States in the issue of colliding Chinese ships with the Philippines shows that Washington is using every opportunity to create a conflict against China. Regarding the issue, the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China has emphasized that the issue of the collision between the country's ships and the Philippines in the disputed area is an issue that only concerns Beijing and Manila and does not require the intervention of the United States. Mao Ning According to Mao Ning, Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, the Thams Shoal island geographically, economically, politically and historically is an important part of the Spartan Islands of the South China Sea in accordance with international law, including United Nations Charter. In his words, Beijing considers the judgment issued by China's South Sea arbitration court to be invalid and believes that the action of the United States to abuse the illegal judgment will not have any effect on Beijing's desire to protect its land rights, legally as well and maritime interests in the area. This shows that the land issue is a red line for China and it will never allow the United States to create a conflict in the region by interfering in issues related to China's land. Therefore, it seems that the various military and security departments of the United States are clearly implementing a common policy to destroy China's security and reputation.