China's response to US nuclear strategy document

After the announcement of the confirmation of the secret nuclear strategic document of the United States to deal with what is called the rapid expansion of China's nuclear weapons, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of this country has said that the document is just an excuse to expand the weapons program US nuclear weapons.

Aug 24, 2024 - 13:30
China's response to US nuclear strategy document

After the announcement of the confirmation of the secret nuclear strategic document of the United States to deal with what is called the rapid expansion of China's nuclear weapons, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of this country has said that the document is just an excuse to expand the weapons program US nuclear weapons.

In response to the report published by the New York Times, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China has emphasized that the United States is the biggest source of strategic nuclear risks in the world, because by developing the theory of China's nuclear threat, it wants to find an excuse to expand its nuclear arsenals for its strategic interests.

During the administration of Barack Obama, the policy of the United States changed towards more confrontation with China. At that time, the United States sent its forces to the seas adjacent to China for the purpose of military encirclement. During the presidency of Donald Trump, Washington's pressure policies against China increased where there was a great increase in hatred against China or Sinophobia especially in the economic field. Currently, the US Sinophobia policy has been extended through the nuclear issue.

Li Van Ti, a political expert, says: "One of the ways for the United States to deal with China is to try to form an alliance against Beijing, where the issue of China's nuclear power is raised. Public opinion in South Korea and Japan is against the presence of the United States in their country and therefore the United States is trying to justify its military presence in the region by spreading fear and hatred against China."

The damage caused by the US atomic bomb in Nagasaki, Japan

According to a report by the New York Times, quoting several Pentagon officials and the National Security Council of the United States, Joe Biden has approved a secret document on nuclear strategy aimed at threatening Russia, China and North Korea.

The document, known as the Guide to the Use of Nuclear Weapons, was approved in March and marks the first time US nuclear doctrine has taken Beijing's nuclear capabilities into account. Many political and military circles in the world believe that the US government, in order to convince the public about its nuclear proliferation policies, claims that China is a nuclear threat.

The truth is that the survival of the United States in the world depends on violence and insecurity, and this country is trying to develop its international power by fueling conflicts and increasing insecurity in the world. Therefore, the international community is fully aware of the false claims of the United States.

On that basis, Washington is increasingly raising China's threat level. The truth is that the United States has the worst record of crimes against humanity during World War II when it dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The sad thing is that the Western imperialist country always tries to hide its destructive activities by claiming to be a defender of human rights.