Destruction of 13,000 Homes in Zionist Invasion of Gaza Strip

According to statistics released by Palestinian sources, the military forces of the Zionist regime have destroyed over 13,000 homes and 10 medical centers in the Gaza Strip during their recent attacks.In response to the rapid strikes by Hamas on cities of this regime, the Zionist regime has carried out more than 200 targeted airstrikes on commercial areas, residential neighborhoods, and refugee camps.

Oct 12, 2023 - 10:24
Destruction of 13,000 Homes in Zionist Invasion of Gaza Strip
Destruction of 13,000 Homes in Zionist Invasion of Gaza Strip

The Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza announced on Tuesday evening that the number of Palestinian martyrs due to the ongoing attacks by the Zionist regime on the Gaza Strip for the fourth consecutive day has reached 900, including 260 children and 230 women. Additionally, 4,500 people have been injured.While the USA, Germany, France, and Britain support the Israeli regime, human rights groups have expressed their concern over Israeli plans to cut off the entire population in the Gaza Strip from supplies.

In addition to the recent events, the Gaza Strip has been a region of intense conflict and humanitarian concern for many years. It has experienced multiple conflicts between Israel and various Palestinian factions, particularly Hamas. Some key points include:

  1. Operation Cast Lead (2008-2009): This was a large-scale military operation conducted by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in the Gaza Strip. It aimed to stop rocket fire from Gaza into Israel and targeted Hamas infrastructure. The operation resulted in significant civilian casualties and widespread destruction.

  2. Operation Pillar of Defense (2012): This was another military operation initiated by Israel in response to rocket attacks from Gaza. The conflict lasted for about a week and ended with a ceasefire brokered by Egypt.

  3. Operation Protective Edge (2014): This was a 50-day conflict between Israel and Hamas, triggered by a surge in rocket attacks and the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teenagers. The operation resulted in substantial destruction and a high number of casualties, predominantly among the Palestinian civilian population.

  4. Blockade of Gaza: Since 2007, Gaza has been subject to a strict blockade by both Israel and Egypt, which severely restricts the movement of goods and people in and out of the territory. This blockade has had a significant impact on the living conditions of the population.

  5. Long-standing Political Disputes: The broader Israeli-Palestinian conflict has deep historical roots, involving complex territorial, political, and religious issues. The status of Jerusalem, borders, refugees, and settlements have been central points of contention.

  6. International Efforts for Peace: Various international efforts, including the Oslo Accords, the Quartet (comprising the United Nations, the United States, the European Union, and Russia), and numerous peace initiatives, have been attempted to find a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.