**Germany Under Scrutiny for Weapon Exports to Occupied Palestinian Territories**

May 1, 2024 - 10:35
**Germany Under Scrutiny for Weapon Exports to Occupied Palestinian Territories**

In a recent development, several prominent organizations, including the European Law Center and the Palestinian Institute of Public Diplomacy, have jointly appealed to the German government to halt the export of weapons to the occupied Palestinian territories. Citing concerns for human rights and the preservation of life, the plaintiffs urge Germany to reassess its arms trade policies.

According to the statement released by the concerned parties, in the first quarter of this year alone, the German federal government authorized the export of military equipment worth a staggering 5.2 billion euros. This figure underscores the significant scale of Germany's arms trade, raising questions about its implications for global peace and stability.

An analysis of export statistics reveals that approximately 90% of these exports are directed towards close partner countries, with a considerable portion, nearly three-quarters, designated for Ukraine. However, a noteworthy aspect is the substantial portion of these exports destined for the Zionist regime, highlighting its importance as a customer in Germany's arms trade network.

A report by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) published in March sheds further light on Germany's role in supplying weapons to the occupied territories. Alongside the United States, Germany accounts for approximately 99% of all weapons imported into these regions. SIPRI estimates indicate that the Zionist regime heavily relies on German arms, with 30% of its weapons imported from Germany between 2023 and 2019.

The German government's prioritization of arms exports to the Zionist regime has drawn criticism from various quarters. Following Operation Al-Aqsa Storm, Chancellor Olaf Schulz expedited the delivery of German-made weapons to the occupied territories, resulting in a tenfold increase in arms exports to Israel compared to 2022. Notably, these exports included assault weapons such as 3,000 man-portable anti-tank guns and 500,000 rounds of ammunition for machine guns or other firearms.

Amid mounting concerns over the use of German weapons in violations of international law, German lawyers have petitioned a Berlin court to intervene. The lawyers argue that continued arms exports to the Occupied Palestinian Territories contravene Germany's obligations under international law and contribute to human rights abuses.

This legal challenge is not an isolated instance. Media reports indicate that it is the second complaint filed by lawyers associated with Palestinian organizations in Europe. They cite Germany's emergence as the largest European arms donor to the Israeli regime, particularly after October 7, 2023, as a cause for alarm.

The situation has escalated further with Nicaragua lodging a formal complaint with the International Court of Justice in the Netherlands. Nicaragua accuses Germany of enabling acts of genocide and violations of international humanitarian law in Gaza by providing military assistance to Israel. The Nicaraguan government's plea underscores the gravity of the situation and the urgent need for international intervention to address the ramifications of unchecked arms proliferation.