Hossein Day in the heart of New York and the waving of the Hossein flag

Muslims living in America celebrated "Hossein" day with great pomp on the first Sunday of Moharram.

Jul 16, 2024 - 12:16
Hossein Day in the heart of New York and the waving of the Hossein flag

This year, American Muslims from various countries, including Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Bangladesh, came together in the streets of Manhattan, New York to celebrate "Hossein" Day with great pomp, in memory of the leader of the martyrs of Karbala, Imam Hossein and his faithful supporters.

Devotees of the grandson of the Prophet of Islam, Imam Hossein, mourned the loss of the martyrs of Karbala and their faithful supporters in groups and in different languages ​​after performing afternoon and evening congregational prayers on the streets of New York's Manhattan district.

Many families attended this ceremony in the hot New York weather with their young children to give their children an intimate exposure to the idea of ​​Imam Hossein in the materialistic atmosphere of the West.

In addition to mourning, according to the ancient tradition of the month of Moharram, the organizers of the ceremony treated the participants and spectators of this ceremony on the streets of Manhattan and distributed food, water, juice and syrup.

Some of Hosseini's mourners explained this historic event to passers-by and people of other religions by handing out a sprig of rose and writings in English about the Karbala uprising.

In addition to participating in the Hossein Day ceremony, New York Muslims also attend various mosques in the city and keep the memory of Imam Hossein and the Karbala uprising alive by holding various mourning and prayer rituals.

In Islamic Iran, devotees of Imam Hossein covered holy places, mosques and even the doors of their homes in black.

This year, like the previous years, the mourning rituals of the month of Moharram are held in Islamic Iran.

After the incident of Karbala and the martyrdom of Imam Hossein and his loyal followers, not only has the importance and status of this event not diminished over the centuries, but as time passes, the message of Ashura has expanded and the mourning rites have been carried out with greater passion and understanding.

The third Shia Imam of the world was martyred in Karbala on 10 Moharram 61 AH.