Joint naval exercises of China, Russia and South Africa begin

Feb 21, 2023 - 10:48
Joint naval exercises of China, Russia and South Africa begin

Joint naval exercises of China, Russia and South Africa have started off the coast of South Africa and will last until the 26th of this month. According to the Russian TV channel "Russia Today", it is said that the main purpose of these exercises is to exchange experience, maritime skills and strengthen cooperation between the navies of China, Russia and South Africa in solving security problems. The Russian frigate Admiral Gorshkov, carrying ultrasonic missiles, is participating in the exercises. The speed of the new ultrasonic missiles that the Russian frigate is equipped with reaches 10,000 kilometers per hour and travels 9 times faster than sound. These missiles are equipped with a system that allows the missiles to reach their target completely, making it impossible to intercept them. Speaking about the start of these exercises, Rossiya Segodnya added: "This is the second exercise of its kind." The first type of such exercise was held in 2019 on the coast of South Africa, the current exercise will last 10 days. The programs of these exercises include military training for conducting joint operations in air defense and combating maritime piracy and eliminating the consequences of natural disasters.