Kremlin: More tension in the Middle East is not in anyone's interest

With the continuation of the Zionist regime's belligerent and tense statements regarding Iran's reaction to the punishment of this regime, the Russian government once again called for restraint.

Apr 17, 2024 - 07:01
Kremlin: More tension in the Middle East is not in anyone's interest

With the continuation of the Zionist regime's belligerent and tense statements regarding Iran's reaction to the punishment of this regime, the Russian government once again called for restraint.

Dmitry Peskov, the spokesman of the Presidency of the Russian Federation today (Monday), expressing Russia's great concern about the escalation of tensions in the West Asian region, called for restraint from all parties.

According to the Sputnik news agency, Peskov said during a press conference in the Kremlin: "We are very concerned about the escalation of tensions in the region and ask all countries in the region to show restraint."

The Kremlin spokesman explained that further escalation of tension is not in anyone's interest: "Therefore, we are in favor of resolving all disputes through political and diplomatic methods."

Even the Spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, in a press conference, today called on the Zionist regime and the Islamic Republic of Iran to exercise restraint and reduce the tension in the West Asian region.