Palestinian ambassador to the UN says the Security Council should adopt a Gaza ceasefire resolution

Palestinian Ambassador to the UN Mansour said Israel continues to carry out attacks on civilians in Gaza and said, ``The Security Council should adopt a cease-fire resolution.''

Feb 2, 2024 - 09:53
Palestinian ambassador to the UN says the Security Council should adopt a Gaza ceasefire resolution
Palestinian ambassador to the UN says the Security Council should adopt a Gaza ceasefire resolution

 At a Security Council meeting on the 31st, Ambassador Mansour said, ``The war in Gaza should end immediately and the decision of the International Court of Justice should be implemented.'' Regarding UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, he said, ``We comply with international laws and regulations, and the hasty measures [by Western countries to suspend contributions] are punishing for tens of thousands of employees and cannot be justified.'' We asked countries that had decided to suspend the gold to reconsider. Russian Ambassador Nibenja also said , `` Condemnation of UNRWA must not become a collective punishment for millions of Palestinians .'' After Zionist Israel claimed that 12 UNRWA employees were involved in the Hamas attack on October 7 last year, Western countries, including Japan, announced a series of suspensions of funding to UNRWA.