Presence of American troops in the Gaza War

Local Palestinian sources confirmed on Sunday evening that US troops were fighting the Palestinians alongside Zionist forces.

Nov 13, 2023 - 12:23
Presence of American troops in the Gaza War
Presence of American troops in the Gaza War

According to the ArabNews news agency, Washington continues to wage war against the defenseless population of the Gaza Strip, while US National Security Council Strategic Communications Coordinator John Kirby previously said that America does not plan to send ground troops to Israel (occupied Palestine). The presence of US troops in occupied Palestine comes after US officials said they would fully support the Israeli regime following the surprise Al-Aqsa Storm operation carried out by Palestinian resistance forces. In response to more than 7 decades of occupation of Palestine and more than 10 years of siege of the Gaza Strip, as well as the imprisonment and torture of thousands of Palestinians, the Islamic resistance movement Hamas launched Operation Al-Aqsa Storm on October 7th.

The operation is considered one of the deadliest attacks against the regime; Hamas fighters entered the occupied territories through border barriers at several points, attacked villages and killed or captured a number of Israeli soldiers. Therefore, to compensate for its defeats in resistance operations, the Zionist regime has repeatedly bombed various areas of the Gaza Strip since October 7, killing at least 11,028 Palestinians, including 4,506 children, 3,27 women and 678 elderly people. The number of victims of the crimes of the Zionist regime has risen to more than 27,500 people. Also, more than 2,300 missing people have been registered, of which 1,500 are children and are still under the rubble.
