Pro-Palestine demonstrations from Japan to Canada

Palestine supporters have held demonstrations in many countries around the world in solidarity with the oppressed people of Gaza and protest against genocide and the crimes of the Zionist regime.

Jun 8, 2024 - 15:19
Pro-Palestine demonstrations from Japan to Canada

Palestine supporters have held demonstrations in many countries around the world in solidarity with the oppressed people of Gaza and protest against genocide and the crimes of the Zionist regime.

According to AA, protesters in Japan demonstrated in front of the Tel Aviv embassy in Tokyo on Friday and in support of Palestine demanded an immediate ceasefire and an end to genocide and killings in the Gaza Strip.
Stressing the need for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and an end to the bombing of Rafah and sanctions against the Zionist regime, Japanese protesters chanted: “Don't kill children,” “Stop the killing,” “Stop the genocide.”
Yesterday, Friday, various cities of Yemen became the scene of demonstrations by the people of this country, declaring solidarity with the Palestinian people and condemning the crimes committed by the Zionist regime in the Gaza Strip.

Participants in protest marches in Sana'a and other governorates such as Saada, Hodeidah, Taiz, Dhamar, Ab, Hajjah, Al-Bayda, etc., emphasized the need to mobilize Arab and Islamic communities to support the Palestinian nation and sever political and economic ties with the occupation regime.

Daifullah Al-Shami, Minister of Information of the Government of Yemen, said: “Today’s demonstration of the people demonstrates the Yemeni people’s continued support for the Palestinian nation, and the expansion of Yemeni army operations is also an action in support of the battle of resistance and stability that the Palestinian people crave.”
 On Friday, the Jordanian people criticized the US government for waging war against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, holding a large demonstration in Amman, the country's capital.

At this demonstration, Jordanians expressed their dissatisfaction, anger and surprise at the silence of Arab governments regarding the crimes of the occupation regime in the Gaza Strip.

The National Assembly for the Support of Resistance and Defense of the Homeland, as well as all participants in the protests in Aman, asked the Jordanian authorities not to treat their Jordanian compatriots from a security position and to stop arresting and harassing Gaza supporters.
Palestine supporters in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, also gathered at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) University to protest the crimes of the Zionist regime and faced police resistance.


Swedish police arrested 20 pro-Palestinian activists in a double action, despite the fact that the Koran, the Muslim holy book, was burned with the support of the country's police some time ago.

In a show of support for these activists, large numbers of protesters gathered around the Royal Institute of Technology university building and chanted "Free Palestine" while waving the Palestinian flag.
In Montreal, Canada, students marched in the rain to protest Israel's crimes against the Gaza Strip.

More than 8 months since the Zionist regime invaded the Gaza Strip without any results or achievements, Israel is sinking deeper into internal and external crises every day. During this period, the occupation regime achieved nothing but massacres, destruction, war crimes, violations of international law, bombing of relief organizations and famine in the region. 

The Zionist regime lost this war without taking into account any future gains, and even after almost 8 months, it was unable to defeat the resistance groups in the small area that had been under its control for years. 

Since October 7, 2023, the Zionist regime, using the most advanced weapons, including fighter jets, drones, tanks and various modern types of missiles and bombs, most of which were made by European countries and the United States, has been attacking the Gaza Strip.

During the genocide of the people of Gaza, which lasted more than 8 months, at least 36,731 Palestinians were martyred and more than 83,530 people were injured. Most of the martyrs and wounded were children, women and old people.

In addition, in the current situation, more than 13,000 Palestinians are missing and trapped under rubble. Relief forces are unable to reach them due to continued fighting and lack of capacity.

Previously, the Relief and Employment Agency for Palestinian Displaced Persons (UNRWA) announced that more than 85% of the residents of the Gaza Strip have been displaced since the Zionist regime's attacks on the strip began, and most of them have experienced displacement several times.