South Africa asks the ICJ Court: Israel 'must be stopped'

South Africa has asked the United Nations High Court to order an end to the military offensive against Rafah as part of its case opened in The Hague accusing the Zionist regime of Israel of genocide, saying the regime "must be stopped" to save the lives of Palestinians.

May 17, 2024 - 12:25
South Africa asks the ICJ Court: Israel 'must be stopped'

South Africa submitted the request yesterday Al-Thursday in the first of two days of hearing the case at the International Court of Justice ICJ, also known as the World Court, after its action last week to request an order for additional measures to be issued emergency to protect the city of Rafah in the south of the Gaza Strip, which provides shelter to more than one million Palestinians.

Speaking before the panel of ICJ judges, South African lawyer Tembeka Ngcukaitobi said, Israel's military attacks have targeted tens of thousands of children and women, destroyed civil infrastructure and starved a large number of people.

He added by saying: "from the beginning Israel's mission was always to destroy the lives of Palestinians and remove them from the face of the earth. Rafah is the last step".

Adila Hassan, another lawyer representing the panel of South African lawyers told the panel of judges of the ICJ Court: "Israel must be stopped. South Africa is before you again today to respectfully ask the court to use its powers... to order amendments that will stop Israel".

South Africa accuses the Zionist regime of acts of genocide against the Palestinians. In January, the ICJ ordered Israel to ensure its troops are not committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza, allow more humanitarian aid and preserve any evidence of violations, but the administration has not implemented a single order of the court.../