Sweden's Supreme Court confirms life sentence for Iranian citizen

The Swedish Supreme Court rejected the appeal in the case of Iranian citizen Hamid Nouri and upheld his life sentence.

Mar 11, 2024 - 05:51
Sweden's Supreme Court confirms life sentence for Iranian citizen
Sweden's Supreme Court confirms life sentence for Iranian citizen

On November 9, 2019, Iranian citizen Hamid Nouri was arrested and imprisoned by the country’s security forces after arriving in Sweden. The Swedish prosecutor's office charged Nouri with suspicion of a case related to Iran 34 years ago, and most of the plaintiffs in the case were members of the anti-Iran terrorist organization "Hypocrites."

The Swedish Supreme Court issued a statement on Wednesday, continuing its cruel and anti-human rights behavior and rejecting the appeal of Hamid Nouri, an Iranian citizen imprisoned in Sweden, and upholding his life sentence.

The Swedish authorities, especially the country's judicial system, do not have any answers to the doubts in this case. The court violated many of Hamid Nouri's rights, both at the initial stage and on appeal. The court violated many international principles of fair trial and even Swedish domestic law.

For four years, Swedish authorities have been interfering with Hamid Nouri's phone calls and meetings with his family without any legitimate reason, and blocked Nouri's phone calls with his family for several months.