The British demand the expulsion of the Zionist regime's ambassador from London

In a signed petition, a group of British people demanded the expulsion of the Zionist regime's ambassador in London because of his support for genocide in the Gaza Strip.

Jan 7, 2024 - 15:01
The British demand the expulsion of the Zionist regime's ambassador from London
The British demand the expulsion of the Zionist regime's ambassador from London

According to Anadolu News Agency, a petition organized by the World Platform for Change and collecting more than 80,000 signatures in one day demands the expulsion of Tzipi Hotovly from Britain for supporting genocide in the Gaza Strip. The petition states: “While the crimes of the Zionist regime continue in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, the ambassador of this occupation regime openly supports an act of genocide.” It is said that by British law, when the signers and supporters of a petition in this country cross the border of one hundred thousand, the demand made in that petition must be discussed and considered by members of Parliament. According to Rai Al-Youm, the rapid increase in support for this petition reflects the diversity of voices demanding answers to the Israeli ambassador's recent statements. The Zionist regime's ambassador's statements about extremist positions drew condemnation on social networks and were regarded as an "open call for genocide." Chris Doylem, head of the Arab-British Council of Understanding, wrote on social media X: “This is not the first provocative statement from Hotovly, as he has a documented record of making statements. "Israel will never accept the creation of an independent Palestinian state and an end to the war in the Gaza Strip," he told Sky News last month. David Cameron, the British Foreign Secretary, responded to Hotovly's statement by noting that "these statements are disappointing."