The dangerous mentality of justifying the bombing of the people of Gaza and the nuclear bombing of Japan

A San Francisco University professor criticized the comparison of the Palestinian liberation movement with Japanese imperialism and criticized the threat of using an atomic bomb in Gaza.

Apr 25, 2024 - 14:39
The dangerous mentality of justifying the bombing of the people of Gaza and the nuclear bombing of Japan

Tomomi Kinukawa is a researcher and human rights activist of East Asian descent who currently teaches in the Department of Women's and Gender Studies at the University of San Francisco.
In an article published on the Counterpunch website, he wrote: "In order to justify the genocide of Palestinians, Israeli officials, including Benjamin Netanyahu, recalled the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the Second World War. 
While the wave of global indignation against the unconditional support of the United States to Israel is growing, American lawmakers, referring to the events of the Second World War, have declared that Washington's support for Israel in the genocide of Palestinians and blocking the entrance to the humanitarian hermitage in the Gaza Strip is legal.  
Representative Tim Wahlberg of Michigan in the House of Representatives stated openly at a town hall meeting on March 25 that Gaza should be bombed like Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Similar statements are dangerous regardless of the US policy. They reflect the dangerous nature of American politicians. It is necessary to openly criticize the comparison between the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the current situation of the Palestinians, because in this way an attempt is made to justify the use of weapons of mass destruction and the genocide of the Palestinians. 
Palestinians have the right to self-defense and self-determination according to international law. Zionists and racists mistakenly call the Palestinian anti-colonial liberation movement "religious fanaticism". On the other hand, by presenting a false analysis of Japan, they try to justify the Holocaust speculation to deny the Palestinian Genocide. 

The Japanese are protesting their country's policy of supporting the Gaza genocide 


The peoples of the world understand that the Japanese Empire was the colonial master of the peoples of Asia and the Pacific from the 19th century until the end of World War II, but what does this have to do with the current aggression of the USA and Israel in the world? The Japanese today have a high political awareness and expressing solidarity with the Palestinians proves that they reject the aggression of that country's former empire and today's American imperialism and European colonialism in the face of Israel.
Today, everyone should stand by the Palestinian liberation movement and put an end to Israel's attacks on Gaza. 
With the support of the USA and cooperation with countries like Japan, Israel is fighting against the anti-colonial movement of the Palestinians, ignoring the international principles. Unfortunately, the Japanese government stands on the wrong side of history, but does not represent the public opinion of that country. 
The killing of innocents is always reprehensible, so the American idea that if the atomic bomb had not been dropped on the innocent people of Japan, World War II would have continued and more people would have been killed, is a hoax and driven by an anti-human discourse.