The failure of Biden’s policy on the Gaza war

Jul 5, 2024 - 10:20
The failure of Biden’s policy on the Gaza war

Twelve US government officials who resigned to protest the war on Gaza stressed in a statement that US President Joe Biden's policy towards Gaza has failed and warned that the failure of Washington's policy towards Gaza poses a threat to US national security.

This statement reads as follows: America's support for Israel and sending it weapons is complicity in the killing and starving of the people of Gaza. The statement continues by emphasizing that the Biden administration's policy towards Gaza weakens the US's position and credibility in the eyes of the world. Ultimately, they emphasized once again that their current policies in Gaza will harm the Palestinians, Israelis and American national security.

The statements of American officials who have previously resigned in protest of the Biden government's policy on the Gaza war show the biased and protectionist nature of the United States towards the conflict between the Zionist regime and the Palestinians. Washington played a significant role in the occupation of the Gaza Strip by the Zionist regime by sending thousands of precision-guided rocket launchers, knowing full well and knowingly of the Zionist regime's crimes and genocide against the oppressed people of Gaza; it still denies the role of the trench, guided and anti-personnel bombs sent by the Biden administration, which have martyred thousands of Gazans, especially children and women. In fact, the United States should be seen as Israel's direct partner in the unprecedented crimes committed against the Palestinians in Gaza due to Tel Aviv's extensive political, diplomatic, military and security support, as well as the suppression of anti-Israeli attacks. In this case, it has led to widespread protests in the United States, especially in its universities.

Despite the extensive US political and military support for the Zionist regime and the regime’s refusal to accept the demands of the international community, including the US’s demand that it declare a ceasefire in the Gaza war and not attack Rafah, the Biden administration and senior American officials are only issuing ineffective warnings to Tel Aviv and are not using the political and financial pressure to force Israel to stop the Gaza war.

In addition, while the crimes of the Zionist regime, especially the genocide against the people of Gaza, the use of weapons of hunger and the famine in this region cannot be denied, the Biden government is preventing these attacks from being condemned. The crimes committed by the occupation regime are being investigated by international judicial institutions such as the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court. After South Africa sued Israel at the International Court of Justice for violating the Geneva Convention Against Genocide (1948), the White House openly declared its opposition to this action.

In fact, the Gaza war has become a symbol of Biden’s moral failure and foreign policy. Since the beginning of the Gaza war, Biden has shown his absolute support for the Zionist regime and its leaders. The Biden administration has shipped hundreds of weapons that have enabled the Zionist army to continue its brutal war in Gaza. Biden has also used the US veto to block several resolutions calling for a ceasefire in the UN Security Council, thus prolonging the war and continuing the crimes of the occupying regime.

The British Guardian newspaper, referring to the US government’s continued support for the Zionist regime, wrote the following: Biden wants to destroy the face of a rules-based international order in order to protect Israel and the radical cabinet of this regime’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. The US President has lost his means of pressure on Netanyahu, and Netanyahu continues to weaken him. Instead of appreciating an ally like Biden, who has been providing unconditional support to this regime for nearly 9 months and often acts against his own interests and America’s greater interests, Netanyahu has constantly criticized the Biden government and, like Biden, has ignored his most important ally, challenged him and paid no price for it. According to the Guardian, Biden has failed to use the issue of sending weapons as the most effective tool to pressure the Israeli cabinet and has failed to pressure Netanyahu to accept the ceasefire plan that America claims to have brokered. In response, Biden showed weakness and lost influence in front of Netanyahu, and now the prime minister of the Zionist regime is openly mocking Biden and his government.

The important issue here is that the Biden government's biased approach towards the Zionist regime has also been met with widespread reactions in American state institutions. In this context, some employees of the US government, especially the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of this country, previously resigned from one hundred employees of the US state in protest of the Gaza war and the Biden government's support for the Zionist regime. In a statement it published, the ministry accused the president of providing misleading information about the Gaza war and declared that the Zionist regime was committing war crimes in Gaza. In addition, more than 130 employees of the US Department of Homeland Security wrote a letter to the government, asking the country to take immediate action to establish a ceasefire in Gaza. More than 700 American state employees, including 30 agencies and ministries, wrote a letter to US President Joe Biden in November 2023, asking him to support a ceasefire in Gaza.

At this stage, the resignation of 12 American officials in protest of the Gaza war is an exposure of the Biden government's inhumane policy towards the Gaza war and its role in the continuation of this bloody war by the Zionist regime.

In fact, Biden has risked his own political future by supporting Netanyahu. While the Biden government wants Netanyahu to end the Gaza war on the one hand, it is also causing the war to continue and more blood to be shed with its arms shipments and political support to Israel. For this reason, it is emphasized by both Americans and other countries and nations that US President Joe Biden is complicit in the crimes committed by the occupying regime in Gaza.