The necessity of clearly declaring enmity with the murderers of the Palestinian people in the case of Hajj Ibrahimian

Imam Khamenei, in a meeting with Hajj officials and organizers and a group of pilgrims of Baitullah Al-Haram, called the remembrance of God and "Muslim unity and connection" as two very important spiritual and social elements of the Hajj duty .

May 6, 2024 - 14:13
May 6, 2024 - 16:25
The necessity of clearly declaring enmity with the murderers of the Palestinian people in the case of Hajj Ibrahimian

Referring to the great catastrophe in Gaza and the crimes of the Zionist vampire regime, he said: This year's Hajj, with the light of the verses of the Holy Quran and the memory of the blessed name of Hazrat Ibrahim (as), just like every year will be a Hajj for the unmasking of this criminal enemy of Muslims and his supporters. The leader of the Islamic Revolution listed the Hajj as a multidimensional task in material and spiritual terms and added: In the inner dimension, the remembrance of God as "the true source of life, determination and individual, social and national decisions" is the main point of all stages of Hajj. In this context, he addressed the pilgrims saying: During the Hajj, notice the things that are not found anywhere else, such as the Kaaba, Masjid al-Haram and the pilgrimage to the place of the Holy Prophet (pbuh), because otherwise, markets and goods it's everywhere. Imam Khamenei as the main point of the social dimension of Hajj mentioned the unity and connection of Muslims with each other and said: The philosophy of God's invitation to all people to be present in a certain place and on a certain day, is to acquaint Muslims with each other and to think together and take joint decisions so that the blessed results of the Hajj are given to Islam, the world and all mankind, especially now that the Islamic world has a big gap in the field of joint decision-making.

A photo of 2 Shia and Sunni clerics at the meeting of Hajj officials and organizers and a group of Beitullah Al Haram pilgrims with Imam Khamenei

He considered ignoring national, religious and ethnic differences as a necessary principle for unity and added: The large, uniform gathering of followers of all Islamic religions and sects and of all nationalities is a clear manifestation of the socio- political Hajj. The Leader of the Islamic Revolution noted that: Of course, the need to overcome differences and divisive issues is not specific to Hajj as many verses of the Qur'an emphasize the unity and solidarity of Muslims.

Photo from the meeting between Hajj officials and organizers and a group of pilgrims of Baitullah al-Haram with the Leader of the Islamic Revolution

Imam Khamenei, noting that the Hajj should be followed with the blessed name of Ibrahim and the teachings of that great prophet, liberation from the enemies of the religion of God ranked among the precious teachings of Abraham and said: Since the beginning of the revolution, liberation has been a current pillar of the Hajj, but this year, given the great and strange events in Gaza that have revealed more than ever the vampiric face of the complex born of Western civilization, this year's Hajj is a special Hajj of liberation.

The leader of the Islamic Revolution considered the current events in Gaza as a lasting indicator for history and added:

The brutal attacks of the rabid Zionist dog on the one hand and the resistance and oppression of the people of Gaza on the other will remain in history and they will show the way to humanity, the amazing and unprecedented reflection of which was observed in non-Muslim societies and universities in America and some other countries, which are one of the signs of this history. In explaining the duty of the Islamic Ummah regarding the disasters in Gaza on the occasion of the Ibrahimian Hajj, he cited numerous examples from the Qur'an on the biography of Hazrat Ibrahim (as) and said:

Ibrahim (as) is one of the prophets who has a generous and kind heart, but this divine prophet strongly declares his innocence and clearly declares his enmity with cruel and aggressor enemies. Imam Khamenei, referring to the Quranic verses that completely forbid friendship with oppressive enemies, called the Zionist regime a perfect example of enmity with Muslims and America as an accomplice of this regime, and added: If it were not for America's help, would there have been Zionist regime the strength and courage to brutalize Muslims, women and children? The Leader of the Islamic Revolution said: The perpetrators of killing Muslims and displacing them and their supporters are both oppressors and according to the Qur'an, if one befriends them, he is also an oppressor and subject to God's curse. Considering the current conditions of the Islamic world, he called the Ibrahimian approach to Hajj, that is, confronting and not submitting to enemies, more necessary than ever and said: Based on this, Iranian and non-Iranian pilgrims should be able to convey the logic Quran in support of the Palestinian nation throughout the Islamic world. The leader of the Islamic Revolution added: Of course, the Islamic Republic has not waited and will not wait for others, but if the strong hands of Islamic nations and governments come to help and accompany, the disastrous situation of the Palestinian nation will not continue. In the end, he thanked for the services and activities of the Iran Hajj Mission and Organization and other service providers in the organization of Hajj and told them: Plan the comfort of Iranian pilgrims in performing Hajj in such a way as to remove the gap between the situation current and desired.

The presence of a group of Iranian women in today's meeting of Hajj officials and organizers and a group of pilgrims of Baitullah Al Haram with Imam Khamenei