The Russian nuclear doctrine is now being clarified

Aug 28, 2024 - 12:04
The Russian nuclear doctrine is now being clarified

Russia is now clarifying its nuclear doctrine, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said, TASS reported. "It is very important to understand that we have our doctrine, including our doctrine of the use of nuclear weapons, which, by the way, is now being clarified and about which the American officials know very well," he emphasized at the press conference, which was called by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Yemen. after talks with leader Shaya Mohsen az-Zindani.

On August 19, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin received Turkish Ambassador to Russia Tanju Bilgich at his request. According to the Russian Foreign Ministry, the situation around Ukraine was discussed at the meeting. Russia's position on the inadmissibility of arming Ukraine with Western weapons, which would lead to further escalation of the conflict, its prolongation and unnecessary casualties, was emphasized. Turkey was called upon to refuse to participate in destructive policies similar to those of the "collective West". Mutual commitment to further development of constructive relations between Russia and Turkey was confirmed.