USA. Sensational indictment of Trump

Trump accuses Nuland and the State Department (USj foreign ministry of having fomented the revolution in Maidan square in 2014. However, this is not a simple war as in the past, technology is involved. We risk that whoever wins we will find ourselves in a dystopia of electronic control 24h/24 everywhere, a large part of human interactions replaced by artificial intelligence, new invasive health policies in which obligations are multiplied for issues that we considered negligible just a few years ago ( elderly people find it difficult to understand the need for a measles vaccine). In such a social and political context, the authentic humanity of the subjects will be obliterated because it is considered non-functional to the administrative algorithm of the machine. For the first time in history, society is about to split irreversibly between very few dominants able to possess the technology from one part, and on the other the mass of subjects who instead will be entirely owned, determined, de-humanized, by the digital paradigm.