Zelensky: Trump's victory in the US elections will impose a heavy defeat on Ukraine

Jun 3, 2024 - 15:03
Zelensky: Trump's victory in the US elections will impose a heavy defeat on Ukraine

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, in an interview with "The Guardian" newspaper, admitted that the re-election of Donald Trump as President of the United States of America could impose a heavy military defeat on Ukraine.

According to "The Guardian", Volodymyr Zelensky, in an interview for this British newspaper at his presidential headquarters in Kiev, said that former US President Donald Trump, if he wins the November elections and imposes an unfavorable peace agreement on Ukraine, risks turns into a "loser president", and this would mean the end of the USA as a global "player".

The Ukrainian president added that he "still has no strategy" to make decisions and actions in the event of Trump's possible return to the White House.

It is predicted that if Trump defeats US President Joe Biden in the 2024 elections, Washington will cut military support to Kiev. Trump said last year that he could end the war in Ukraine within "24 hours."

The Guardian newspaper report continues: While Trump's aides had previously prepared a possible plan [to end the war], which includes handing over the eastern regions of Ukraine to Russia, as well as the Crimea region, Zelensky clarified that "Ukrainians do not agree with this [issue]".