Instead of "All Eyes on Rafah": Say: All Eyes on the IOF and genocidal Israeli Regime

The crime that burned almost 40 people, including children who were burned alive by a 900 kg US-made bomb, was horrific.

May 29, 2024 - 12:32
Instead of "All Eyes on Rafah": Say: All Eyes on the IOF and genocidal Israeli Regime

Denied entry to any hospital, they died, and this kind of massacre was repeated seven times in a matter of hours. This atrocity should have been enough to awaken the global conscience and prompt protesters worldwide to act, even if it meant burning down israel-US embassies.

However, instead of addressing this outrage, celebrities and AI-generated images were used to balance the narrative and pour cold water over the situation, effectively saving the IOF and the global aggression on Gaza.

Why is a single picture of Soleimani (r) being downplayed by META, while this trend of AI-generated images and celebrity distractions is promoted? The sole reason is clear: in the early 80s, Imam Khomeini (r) was already exposing the Hollywood narratives and the real reasons behind celebrity worship—to divert public attention from the main ruling authorities who are despotic and malevolent. Today, we see how Zionists are being served by these celebrities, using them as tools to shift focus away from their atrocities and to manipulate public perception. This deliberate strategy aims to protect the perpetrators and maintain the status quo, while the real crimes against humanity go unnoticed and unpunished.