We call on Aliyev to immediately release all illegally detained Armenians

The Lemkin Institute for the Prevention of Genocides has called on the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, to release all Armenian prisoners illegally held in Baku and has started a signature collection in this regard.

May 28, 2024 - 14:18
We call on Aliyev to immediately release all illegally detained Armenians

"Charitable, philanthropic, former minister of state of Nagorno-Karabakh Ruben Vardanyan was arrested by the government of Azerbaijan and is being held illegally with other prominent Armenians. It is time for the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, to immediately release these Armenians," the message reads.

The lack of information about the health and condition of these individuals is said to be deeply concerning.

"These persons were detained in clear violation of domestic and international law, including the UN and European human rights conventions, to which Azerbaijan is a party.

The conditions of their detention are deeply troubling, including inadequate contact with their families, lack of regular independent monitoring or consular access, and denial of access to local and international lawyers. Azerbaijan must respect international legal standards and human rights, on which peace and stability depend. Every day counts in the lives of these prisoners. Any peace agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan must include their release. We call on President Ilham Aliyev to immediately release all these illegally arrested persons," the message reads.

The authors of the petition reminded about the mass military aggression against Artsakh Republic occupied by Azerbaijan in September last year and the forced displacement of 120,000 ethnic Armenians as a result.

"This is indisputably ethnic cleansing. most of the world agrees. Human rights organizations described the Azerbaijani actions as genocide," the report says.