Terrorism; a common regional challenge and the responsibility to be vigilant
In less than a week there have been two explosions and a large and bloody terrorist attack in Kandahar Afghanistan and on the outskirts of the capital of Russia, Moscow.

The wave of condemnation of those terrorist attacks is so great that it has surprised the world and has shown how the world was shocked by those major terrorist attacks in just a few days. The point to be taken into account here is that the terrorist group Daesh (ISIS) has announced responsibility for the attacks. This has been witnessed in a situation where there were rumors that the gang had been completely destroyed, but now it has emerged and claimed to be involved in major terrorist attacks that happened just a few days apart in Kandahar, Afghanistan and on the outskirts of Moscow, the capital of Russia. Now the question that arises here is that the resurgence of those big crimes and then the Daesh terrorist gang being linked to those attacks, what is the meaning?
Apparently, the ISIS terrorist group has several goals in announcing its involvement in the attacks. Mosi wants to show that it still exists and has the ability to carry out attacks and killings in different areas. The second is to remind the countries of this region that the terrorists have started a new wave of attacks and may carry out large-scale attacks despite the existence of strong protection measures.
Baqeri Esmaili is an analyst of international affairs who says about this practice: It seems that the re-invention of the name of Daesh, which is a brutal terrorist gang, is being done in a special arrangement from the founders and supporters of the gang and this shows that the parties that nurture the terrorists are still they are eager to continue their acts of terrorism and murder, again at a higher level .
John Sopko, the special representative of the United States in Afghanistan has said that the country's aid to the Taliban group ends with the terrorist gang in Afghanistan. The American representative has called the Taliban a terrorist group and said that after the group's return to power, the United Nations gave Afghanistan $2.9 billion in aid. He said, most of the money has been given in the form of cash and has entered the pocket of a terrorist gang.
When we look at the feelings shown by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the representatives of the US Congress after Sopko's remarks were made, we will see that the US aid to the Taliban group, which is given on the grounds of humanitarian issues, is not known for what it is being used for and even Washington has no information. any information about where the money goes. The most surprising thing is that in just a few months, several millions of US dollars were transferred by the United Nations to the account of the Central Bank of Afghanistan which is controlled by the Taliban group. It is clear that the money cannot be used for anything except with the permission of the Taliban.
Alaakullihaal, political analysts say that it appears that the Western powers, led by the United States, have decided to continue using terrorist gangs, including Daesh, as a tool for conducting terrorist operations, endangering regional security and pressuring countries that do not accept being dragged along by the Western powers. . Considering this matter, we will see that it is the duty of the countries of this region to be vigilant and should cooperate better in dealing with terrorist acts and jointly protect the security of their region.