Tag: Daesh

Terrorism; a common regional challenge and the responsi...

In less than a week there have been two explosions and a large and bloody terror...

Shackled by Fear: The Untold Story of Immigrants in Bri...

In recent years, the United Kingdom (UK) has grappled with a formidable challeng...

Daesh-ISIS claims responsibility for explosion in Kabul

The terrorist group Daesh has claimed responsibility for the explosion, which oc...

Daesh (ISIS) claims responsibility for the attack in Ke...

In a statement, the terrorist group Daesh (ISIS) claimed responsibility for the ...

American invaders are looting Syrian oil

American invaders are looting Syrian oil

Details of the terrorist attack in Shakhcherag: how did...

Details of the terrorist attack in Shakhcherag: how did Novruzov contact ISIS?

Rocket Attacks Hit US Military Bases in Syria

Rocket Attacks Hit US Military Bases in Syria

Syria, Daesh attacks army buses, 20 soldiers killed

Syria, Daesh attacks army buses, 20 soldiers killed

British intelligence warns of a possible Daesh attack

British intelligence warns of a possible Daesh attack

Iraq: Daesh kills three soldiers in Kirkuk

Iraq: Daesh kills three soldiers in Kirkuk

Iraq, soldiers attacked by terrorists in the north, 3 dead

Iraq, soldiers attacked by terrorists in the north, 3 dead

What are the strategic implications of Syria’s readmiss...

After an eleven-year hiatus, the Syrian government was warmly welcomed back into...

Prolonging the Syrian crisis is the common goal of the ...

Prolonging the Syrian crisis is the common goal of the Zionist regime and Daesh

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