The High Commissioner for Human Rights warns of the escalation of the war in Gaza

The High Commissioner for Human Rights of the United Nations has warned about intensifying the war of the Zionist regime against the Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip.

Mar 5, 2024 - 15:08
The High Commissioner for Human Rights warns of the escalation of the war in Gaza
The High Commissioner for Human Rights warns of the escalation of the war in Gaza

Volker Türk, said this when he was speaking at the Human Rights Council of the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland and emphasized that it is important to avoid the war of the Zionist administration against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. In addition, he said, there is a need to avoid intensifying the Zionist regime's war against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, as the expansion of the war could have major consequences in West Asia and elsewhere.

Despite the continued conflict in the Gaza Strip and the worsening of the crimes of the Israeli regime against the oppressed citizens of Palestine, the United Nations and institutions related to the union have so far failed to take important steps in defending the rights of the Palestinians.

The Zionist regime, with the mutual support of the United States and the European governments of the Washington Protocol, has refused to take responsibility for its crimes and thus continues the genocide against defenseless citizens in Palestine.

Following the operation of the Al-Aqsa tornado on October 7, 2023, the Israeli regime's attacks have intensified against Palestinian citizens and economic and health infrastructure, including hospitals in Gaza.

Western governments that have always claimed to be defenders of human rights, have remained silent regarding the recent events in Gaza and the dire humanitarian situation in the area and somehow justifying the crimes of the Zionist regime against the Palestinian people.