The whereabouts of 300 Nigerian prisoners who escaped after the prison collapse are unknown

About 300 prisoners who escaped from a prison in Nigeria are still missing.

Sep 17, 2024 - 06:20
The whereabouts of 300 Nigerian prisoners who escaped after the prison collapse are unknown

The Nigerian government says, about 300 people are missing, after they escaped from the prison in the city of Maiduguri, which witnessed heavy floods and destroyed infrastructure including the prison.

The prisoners escaped after the prison was demolished by floods. Efforts to track down the prisoners are ongoing although so far they have not yielded any results.

However, prison officials have said that seven prisoners have returned to prison, after escaping last week.

This is the first time for the Nigerian government to admit the escape of prisoners after the heavy floods caused by the heavy rains that have been falling, brought down the walls of the prison where the prisoners were serving their sentences.

The effects of the flood near the prison in Maiduguri that was destroyed by the flood


The great floods have caused the disaster of 30 people in the town located in the state of Borno, leaving thousands homeless after their houses were washed away.

In addition, the breaking of the banks of the Alau Dam, has caused fierce animals such as crocodiles and snakes to be swept away by the water into people's residences, after the flood destroyed the government-owned zoo.

President Bola Tinubu, yesterday visited the city of Maiduguri to see for himself the serious effects caused by the great floods.