UNICEF: Internet benefits children but there are risks
The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) has said that the lives of children and young people have long been connected to the internet and social media, and as technology continues to rapidly change, this phenomenon is increasing and becoming more widespread, allowing children to access a world of information, learning, collaboration, entertainment and more can be positive but sometimes dangerous.

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) has said that the lives of children and young people have long been connected to the internet and social media, and as technology continues to rapidly change, this phenomenon is increasing and becoming more widespread, allowing children to access a world of information, learning, collaboration, entertainment and more can be positive but sometimes dangerous.
UNICEF explains that in recent years, many misconceptions have spread about the impact of digital technologies on children's lives, misleading parents, caregivers, educators and policymakers.
On this basis, UNICE has said that this year during the celebration of Safer Internet Day, there is a need to consider some of these misconceptions.
UNICEF has said that while children benefit from spending their time online, and while equality in access is a primary goal, greater access also often sees children exposed to hateful messages and violent images online.
While the internet can stimulate social connection, engagement and creativity in children, because their digital environment remains unregulated, and is rarely designed with their best interests in mind, it also facilitates the spread of harmful content such as hate messages and disturbing images.
UNICEF has said governments should enact robust policies to oblige stakeholders to integrate child rights considerations, including robust impact assessments, into the process of controlling online hate speech and violence.