Zionist newspaper: Israeli soldiers are thieves

A newspaper of the Zionist regime has had to admit that the Israeli soldiers are looters and big thieves due to the rampant robbery and theft of the homes of the soldiers in various areas of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

Feb 22, 2024 - 09:19
Zionist newspaper: Israeli soldiers are thieves
Zionist newspaper: Israeli soldiers are thieves

 Al Alam TV has reported the news and quoted Yagil Levy, an expert on Israeli military affairs, as writing in his special article published by the Zionist newspaper Haaretz that the Israeli soldiers usually commit large-scale looting and theft when they enter the homes of residents of the West Bank. Ghazza. He has written, even the newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth has quoted the testimony of a reserve doctor and reported that when Israeli soldiers enter the homes of Palestinians they steal everything from mobile phones, motorcycles and even bicycles. The author has questioned by saying, is this justice? The greedy and merciless Zionist soldiers rob even people who are suffering from hunger like these In another part of his article he has written, an Israeli soldier has even gone so far as to distribute a video on social networks boasting of stealing the jerseys of Palestinian football players in Gaza. Other videos show how the greedy Israeli soldiers eat the food of the residents of the Gaza Strip when they enter the homes of the Palestinian citizens. The writer of the Zionist newspaper Haaretz added that, the many and large evidences given in writing and speech by the Israeli soldiers, is evidence of how the soldiers are looters and big thieves and that is a problem that is not small, but apparently the army Israel has absolutely no intention of preventing such acts of banditry and looting by its soldiers of different ranks.