A Muslim footballer is threatened with punishment in France for not displaying the LGBTQ badge on his shirt

France's sports minister has called on the Monaco football club to be punished after its player hid a message defending 'homosexuality' on his shirt during the country's final league match on Sunday.

May 23, 2024 - 06:54
A Muslim footballer is threatened with punishment in France for not displaying the LGBTQ badge on his shirt

The French championship staged its annual anti-discrimination campaign during the final matches at the weekend, with players from each team wearing badges displaying the word "homophobia", which means homophobia.

However, Monaco midfielder Mohamed Camara covered the badge when his team won 4-0 against Nantes, and also boycotted a group photo before the match where all the players stood in front of a banner with the same message.

French Sports Minister Amélie Oudéa-Castéra has claimed that the actions taken by Camara are "unacceptable" and called for "severe punishment" against the player and his Monaco club. Aurore Bergé, Minister of Equal Opportunities of France, has also condemned Mohamed Camara through the X social network writing. "Hating homosexuals is not an opinion, it is a crime, and hatred against homosexuals kills. Mohamed Camara must be punished severely. Monaco coach

Adi Hütter said after the match that the club supports the league plan and that the action taken by Camara is a "personal choice". He said, the club will discuss the issue with Camara himself.

This is the fourth season in a row that French football clubs have been required to use rainbow-colored numbers, armbands or on their jerseys to protest LGBTQ acts. Such conflicts occur every year during the country's soccer league.

Idrissa Gueye

In 2022, Everton's Senegal-born midfielder, Idrissa Gueye, who was then playing for PSG, refused to participate in a match where the players were required to wear rainbow colored jerseys. Senegalese President at the time Macky Sall supported Gueye, declaring that "his religious beliefs must be respected".

Last year too, Nantes fined Egyptian striker Mostafa Mohamed for similar reasons. The two did not participate in Sunday's match. Mohamed Camara did not play in a similar match last season.../